Thursday, December 2, 2010

Decisions, decisions!!

I really wish I could go back to when I was a kid. Life was so much easier! (Even though I didn't think so then! LOL) The hardest decisions we had to make were what to play with, who to be friends with, what tv show to watch... MAN that is the life! Now I'm a big girl, in the middle of my big girl world. AND I WANT OUT! haha

Ok on to the decisions I have made and have to still make. First off, I decided to cancel this months IUI. It started because Bob just learned today that he has to work on Saturday, and the IUI was scheduled for Sat. But I was thinking about it, and I dont feel like stressing over it this month. We are going to still try "naturally" lol.

Now for the next decision, I'm calling my RE tomorrow to ask for an IVF consult. I think this may be our best option. Bob has told me to do what ever needs to be done! My left tube was open 4 months ago and its already gone. So I just keep wondering, when will the right tube be taken over by Endo? I need to get pregnant ASAP. The good news is my between my insurance, HSA, and 401K (if needed) I think most of the IVF will be paid for and we will be able to afford at least one try at it! I am just way nervous that it wont work! Wish me luck!

On top of all this I think im getting sick. I can't get sick! I am coaching basketball and our first game is sunday!!!

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