Lets start with the bad news and get it out of the way.... I went in today for my Embryo Transfer (ET) and found out that only one of my babies continued to grow properly. So, instead of being able to transfer two embryos like we planned, we transfered the 1. I have been very sad about my other kiddos not growing properly but Im really trying to keep my head up.
Now for the good news! Im PUPO! (pregnant until proven otherwise) I have my 7 cell embryo snuggling in my uterus right now and that is amazing! I have never had a baby growing in me (that i know of). I already love the little clump of cells! My one embryo that did make it to the proper stage is a 1.5 rating which is really good. (1 being the best) So we have a lot of hope that this one sticks. My only concern now is that blasted hydrosalpinx tube on my left side. I pray that it doesnt harm my embryo.
Well here is my baby and check out my new "PUPO" ticker up top i added for fun. Its funny at this point because it says something about being a clump of cells on their way to my uterus" Cute lol
The dr said its showing early compaction, which is an awesome sign, means something about how the cells are starting to comunicate. Also, they performed assisted hatching. Its basically when they make a slit in the outer shell of the embryo to help it hatch (which will happen in the next few days)
Thank you to everyone that has been supporting me. I am very blessed!